
On some days it almost feels like Spring is here, signs of the garden coming to life with shoots from keen daffodils appearing and the snowdrops building up to an impressive show in shady woodland corners. Although…Gardener beware as February can often be colder than January with wintery showers and hard frosts, make sure the fleece is to hand to protect the more sensitive plants in your garden.

Flower Border Jobs

  • Prune roses creating an open outward facing framework, late/summer flowering clematis and winter flowering shrubs when they start to fade.
  • Reshape borders with edging iron.
  • Sow hardy annuals for summer colour.
  • Protect plants from snow fall damage by gently shaking the snow off, check fleeced plants are covered and staked plants are still well supported in wind.

Vegetable Garden Jobs

  • Seed potatoes are in store this month so check your chitting trays are ready for action and in a frost-free place.
  • Sow broad bean and lettuce in the greenhouse or cold frame for earlier crops.
  • Plant asparagus this month.
  • Apply general fertilizers including blood fish and bone to the soil.

Other Jobs

  • Keep bird feeders clean and topped up along with a fresh supply of water in birdbaths.
  • Last chance to mulch before the growing season really kicks off.
  • Cut back any dead growth on trees and hedges.
  • Check overwintering plants.

Products to help you keep your garden looking good

  • Seed Potatoes a range of varieties from our Scottish suppliers plus some guidance from Nicola in store on growing them.
  • Lawn mower shopping!Electric lawnmowers from Stihl could be the answer to keeping your lawn looking good this year.
  • Great range of feeds for all the new growth over the coming months ; Blood fish and bone
  • Greenman setting out sets and hand tools.